Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Questions and Answers!! By: !SkylarWzwTester

Hey, i got about 34 messages within a week (almost 5 everyday, not including Private-Chat.)These are the FAQ today! Enjoy.

Q: How did you become a tester?

A: I applied several weeks ago to woozworlds application. (=

Q: Why do you have a ! in your name?

A: Its to show that we are testers.

Q: Its not fair! Why do you guys get purple speech bubbles!!

A: So that we show as testers, and to answer questions. Its like a badge of honor for our work :P

Q: Can you change your name?

A: The new app will not have a name change option. This was exclusive to the beginning of the beta testing.

Q: Can you talk about the upcoming woozworld on iPad?

A: Its only available for IOS 6.0 and above. Or, iPad 3rd generation and later versions.

Q: Will it be available soon?

A: At our current rate? Maybe, i would give it 2+ months (*.*) 

I will be making a sped video of me answering these questions and more! Thanks guys My Blog    

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

!-SkylarWzwTester: My Bio!

Hey Forgot to do a bio, here it is!:

Wzw Name: !-SkylarWzwTester
Job: Mobile Device Tester
Besties: Sophiadarling, !JerseygirlTester, DOGGSNEON, a few others ( sorry that I skipped u )= )
Real Name: Not Important =D
Eye color/Skin: I have amber eyes (like an orange, dark brown. Sometimes they're really light. So I'm guessing hazel =D) I am tan, not orangey tan, like some white girl that goes to the beach on the weekends. Except I don't need the beach! =D My hair is a dirty blonde. It changes with the weather, its weird. I already know Im an ALIEN!
Gender: Im 68 year old lady, with orange hair. I have no boyfriend (All of that was false, I am a girl, I don't have a boyfriend, but I'm no where near 68! =D)
Hobbies: VolleyBall, Photography, Woozworld, blogging, hanging out with friends, traveling with family <3
Other: I love posting pictures of selfies, after school stuff with my buddies, going places! Thanks guys!

Check out My Blog!!


woozen name: CandieApplez

nickname: candy, applez

age: classified information c;

best friends : chocolate ranger; gashna (MY BBY PEARL c; )

closest friends: see above ans

real name: c;

Fav song - Happy , Pharrell Williams

Fav Book (s) - PERCY JACKSON ( <3 )and Amelia Rules

Fav color- blueeeeeeeeeee (colors changing alot though)

Fav Youtuber(s)- sWoozIe, Ryan Higa, ASAP Science, Mindfloss, Vsauce, Glozell, wASSabii productions

Things about me:
i like bacon... deal with it
unicorns are my besties ^o^
i love MUSTACHES :{ D
i have a wooz-spending problem :I
potato :3

ok... ya thts 'bout it

oki bye

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Contest! Must Read! From Sky*

Hey guys, its Sky! Today I saw that we got OVER 400+ views from you guys!! I'll be holding a contest as soon as it reaches 500! Thats half a thousand. And so on, until we conquer the world! Or not... its up to you guys (resisted the urge to say ya'll!) Anyways, check out my wall for the info, its public for you guys (=  Gonna leave you guys with this awesome unitz I visited yesterday titled:Apartments! So cool, I wish I could of thought of that, but I didn't. (= CHECK OUT MY BLOG! DESCRIPTION BELOW!!

!TropicZ ^o^

Woozen Name : TropicZ
Nickname : Troppy, Toppy, Trop Trop.
Age : Secrets.

Real name: Sydney
Fav Song : Baby i - Ariana grande 
Fav Movie : The life of pi.
Fav Color : Blueeeeeee.
Best friends: ScarlettsFire, !Lily101y,  
Close friends : MY LILY BBE. Scarly <3, 
Fav Artists : No Idea.
Thing I'm known for? : Being crazy. Changing colors ALOT.

5 Things About Mee.

  1. I collect deadmaus <3 ^o^
  2. My colors are bulue and white with dark brown hair
  3. I spend wooz quick. I Had 75k and i spent it in a day ;D
  4. I Like. Pizza. Ok
  5. Cooly is MINE! ^-^
So. I'm Bored, Ok.


!missgolden's point of view

Hey guys, It's me missgolden. I just wanted to show you a small clip on how I see being a woozworld tester. Here: 

Check out my channel:


so its soon 3 and woozworld is STILL 'updating'  i wonder if we will be there on time .-.

Hi Again!

good morning (sorta) to everyone here, 
did anyone try to go on WzW yet? They are shut off for the moment and i just like this pic ok?
lol i cant be the only one xD

Monday, January 20, 2014

hey Peeps

I have two very important things to discuss.

1. I feel really bored nowadays and I want to create more drawing videos. You can check out some of my drawings on the sidebar which has a video of some of the drawings or you can check out my YouTube channel here. So if you want a drawing of your woozen please send a message to: I will do as many as I can and I will make a video of that drawing and send a personal copy of my drawing to your e-mail address.

2. I get kinda irritated when woozens keep asking the same questions, like: "Where did you get your shirt from?" "Are you a WoozGuide?" "Who are you?" "What does the app look like and what is it called?". So I decided to do a video answering some of these questions. I don't want to do it alone so I am inviting some of the WoozTesters to help me out. Here are the details:

Where: Please come to AlphaTester's Unitz, we shall video it there.
When: At around 1 pm wooz time today, about two hours before our meeting with AlphaTester.
What should you do: I am making a list of common questions that woozens ask and we shall be answering them.

Whoever can come, please do come! (I will try to make the video short 5-10 mins. and you will get credit for being in my video :D ) If you have any questions about this or the drawings thing please just comment below or spam my woozworld inbox. XD 

I guess that is about it. xD


Hey Woozens !

Hi Woozens! x) Welcome to WoozWorldTesters! I'm so GLAD, to be on this wonderful blog! Let's get to know more about me, shall we? . .

Woozen Name : -Just-A-Dudette-
Nickname : Sky (Not my actual name)
Age : 6 - 30
Fav Song : I Like It Loud - Cash Cash
Fav Movie : Catching Fire
Fav Color : Teal, Black, + White.
Best friends: JustineGaba, mileycyrus546, koku-t, peytonli + Rayzydog
Close friends : JustineGaba + mileycyrus546
Fav Artists : IDK
Thing I'm known for? : Nothing

Bye ! :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

hi oki im not used to doing blogs T.T anyway off topic xD
lisandra i cant get on the tester thing as it wont install on any device i try i've begged  kindly asked alpha to deal with it but if u can help e tht would be nice xD

HI Guys!

Here is a sneak peak of the friend's list on the app (people have been begging me and this is as far as I will go as showing people the new woozworld app):

To anyone who has trouble using the app, please contact me, lisandraclara though a message on woozworld or emailing me at I would be happy and awesome sauce-y to help ya! Remember that you have to click the link in the message and then make an account on TestFlight.

It would be nice if the other Wooztesters would post more too! You can post whatever you want as long as its appropriate and I will put another person to admin in a few days. I hope you enjoy this blog.
xoxo, !lisandraclara

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hello, i i guess xD
I haven't been on a blog in months. oh godds. Any way i guess i'm troppy xx
!TropicalWest. I love this picture, ok deal with it
On Woozworld testers page you forgot to say my name? Thx :D

Hi Everyone! xD

hi everyone this is Candie xD just saying hi and welcome Skylar to the team !

New Blogger: -SkylarWzw

Hey everyone! Im -SkylarWzw ( or !-SkylarWzw, actually *.*) Im a new blogger for a new blog! 
So were going to be posting a lot of stuff like:  Pictures of us acting crazy during meetings, videos, other cool stuff to make everything awesome sauce! Thats all I'm going to post for right now, so bye guys! Add me. Also my blog is:   So if you want, go check it out! Thanks! Bye