Wednesday, January 22, 2014

!-SkylarWzwTester: My Bio!

Hey Forgot to do a bio, here it is!:

Wzw Name: !-SkylarWzwTester
Job: Mobile Device Tester
Besties: Sophiadarling, !JerseygirlTester, DOGGSNEON, a few others ( sorry that I skipped u )= )
Real Name: Not Important =D
Eye color/Skin: I have amber eyes (like an orange, dark brown. Sometimes they're really light. So I'm guessing hazel =D) I am tan, not orangey tan, like some white girl that goes to the beach on the weekends. Except I don't need the beach! =D My hair is a dirty blonde. It changes with the weather, its weird. I already know Im an ALIEN!
Gender: Im 68 year old lady, with orange hair. I have no boyfriend (All of that was false, I am a girl, I don't have a boyfriend, but I'm no where near 68! =D)
Hobbies: VolleyBall, Photography, Woozworld, blogging, hanging out with friends, traveling with family <3
Other: I love posting pictures of selfies, after school stuff with my buddies, going places! Thanks guys!

Check out My Blog!!

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